I have a short funny story to share with you all. It's more of a learning lesson but we tend to make mistakes while traveling and being in a rush so I thought it's worth sharing.
This starts when I was returning from studying abroad. My host city didn't have an international airport so I had to take a train to the city with the international airport. My train ride was early in the morning and I didn't really have time to have breakfast since I had stayed up all night packing (and being all emotional). In the morning, I took out all my bread and cheese and my last banana that I had left from the refrigerator and left the dorms. I ended up eating most of my bread and cheese on the train and put my banana in my coat pocket. While being all emotional again, I forgot to eat my banana and boarded the flight after some luggage size arguments with the airport staff. All that almost made me miss my flight so I had completely forgotten I still had a banana.
So my learning lesson was to not forget what you're carrying while traveling and make sure you have no fruits or veggies with you. If you do, you'll end up paying a hefty fine unless you can prove to the officers that you truly forgot and were meant to eat it before boarding your flight!
I am really sorry about what happened to you, thank you for sharing we can learn from this post to be attentive!